We at Wakesurf Media couldn’t be more excited to announce our support from Agenda Surf! Agenda is the leading manufacturer of high-quality traction geared specifically towards wakesurfing and standup padlleboarding. We recently caught up with them to discuss what Agenda is all about, so kick back and relax as you get hit with big ol’ bucket full of awesomeness!
WSM: In case someone has been living under a rock and has never heard of Agenda Surf (which let’s be honest is the only way they wouldn’t already know…) please introduce the company and tell us when you started?
Agenda: AGENDA SURF was started in 2012 by industry veterans Ray Cruz and Myself (Dave Field) as manufacturers/distributors of performance watersports gear designed with awesomeness.
WSM: Being based out of California, we’re going to go out on a limb and say y’all were first introduced to surfing in the ocean, are we right? Can you tell us how you transitioned to the wakesurfing side of things?
Agenda: That’s correct I started surfing back in the 80’s when I was a teenager – skipping school and hitting up our local break in IB (Imperial Beach) and down in Baja since we lived right on the Mexican Border. I was introduced to towed watersports by dumb luck in the late 90’s when I got a job at a wakeboard company (Stinger Wakeboards) and took it from there with a bunch of hard work and hard knocks.
WSM: On a personal note, do you remember the first time you experienced wakesurfing? Any idea what year it was or where you were?
Agenda: I was first introduced to it back in 2009 when I purchased my new Super Air Nautique 210 Team Edition here in our hometown of San Diego, CA.
WSM: The list products you offer is stacked, and we’re going to cover that, but as a trivia question; do you remember what the first product was you offered? Is it still in the lineup today?
Agenda: Yea! Our product offering is huge and the first AGENDA branded product was our “Classic” complete front and rear traction set which we still offer today.
WSM: Your home on the web for everyone at home is agendasurf.com and y’all have quite the inventory! Can you give us a brief rundown of what products you offer?
Agenda: We currently offer standard EVA and alternative traction products for wake surf/skim & SUP along with pad sets/kits and sheet goods for DIY boating applications. In addition, we also offer boards, wax, PFDs, ropes, and other watersport related accessories.
WSM: For the EVA traction side of things, we know you have multiple options to make sure everyone is covered. What setup would you suggest for someone that’s looking to have just a typical boat-board that everyone can use?
Agenda: Great question! All of our AGENDA branded pad sets are what we consider “universal” so they will work great with pretty much any board setup out there.
WSM: Now for the flipside of that, for someone who’s an advanced rider and looking to get the most out of their board, what would you suggest?
Agenda: It’s sort of the same as earlier, all our USA made AGENDA pad sets are awesome and are available in 20+ colors with multiple kick ramp options for our more advanced riders. You really can’t go wrong!
WSM: Can you tell us about the EVA alternatives you offer?
Agenda: All the wax and alternative traction products we carry are great and it comes down to personal preference on what set up works best for you. Some riders like the traditional EVA foam front and rear set up for traction and others like to mix it up with the alternative products up front. AGENDA is here to please so we offer the most complete line of quality products available.
WSM: Your comp vests and rope/handle combos look awesome, how long have you been offering those?
Agenda: Our comp vest and rope/handle combos were released in 2015 and I must say they some of the best designed in the Industry!
WSM: The board section of your site offers brands like Black Revolt and Shortbus. How did you get hooked up with them and are you looking to offer any other brands as well?
Agenda: The boards we offer from Shortbus and Black Revolt are top notch and they are OEM customers of our traction pads so that’s how our relationship started years ago. We also supply traction pads as an OEM component supplier to other great brands like TWP (the Walker Project), Bias Wakesurf, Artisan Surf, Tuk Tuk Boards, Kanuk Board Co, Skull Cracker Wakesurf, Notice Wake (snowboards) , Wakestar Surf and many other wakesurf and non-wakesurf brands over the years.
WSM: Your team might be one of, if not the biggest, teams in the towed watersports industry. Off the top of your head do you know the number of riders you support?
Agenda: I must say our team of Pros, Amateur and Freeriders both Domestic and International is what AGENDA is all about. We currently have 25+ Awesome Team riders supporting our brand along with their other sponsors promoting the great sport of wakesurfing, Thanks A-Team for all the great work you all do, it’s super appreciated!!!
WSM: Can you remember the number of times one of your riders became World Champ?
Agenda: What a great question! It’s been such a long time since we started and our riders have podiumed so many time I couldn’t give you a number but it’s been a lot!
WSM: Is there anything coming up we should know about? Any new products, events, or partnerships?
Agenda: We are always in the continued process of product development since that’s our long-time background and of course we’re always looking for great events and partners to collaborate with.
WSM: Where can everyone find you on social media?
Agenda: Facebook Instagram Twitter
WSM: Is there anyone behind the scenes you’d like to thank for making Agenda the Success it is?
Agenda: There are just so many and they all know who they are. We couldn’t have done it without all of the great support, thank you guys!!!