WSM: Let’s start with our typical interview questions. What’s your name, where are you from, and how long have you been wakesurfing?
Evan: Evan Feierabend, Fort Mill S.C., 6 years.
WSM: Prior to wakesurfing, were you doing any other towed watersports?
Evan: I wakeboarded for a few years more recently, but did some ocean surfing, snowboarding, skate longboarding, and really have been an all-around boating enthusiast. I’ve always loved the lake and swimming my entire life.
WSM: Take us through your warm up. When you get up for the first time on any given day, what tricks do you do first?
Evan: I do some stretches before I ride. I feel it’s important to look at your first run like it’s a competition line. I normally go for a quick snap to get my body moving and feel the wave out then shoot for an alley oop or double grab air.
WSM: What as the first trick you learned and how long did it take you to get it?
Evan: I’d say my first real trick was a 360, It Took me a month or so, on a 5.2 Ginsu, haha.
WSM: You’re predominantly a surf style rider but do you ever ride skim? Which style did you start out with first?
Evan: I started on surf style and have always liked the aggressiveness and speed of a surfboard. I did skim some in the beginning because I didn’t think you could do a 360 on surf style. I still skim some. I have a Soulcraft skim board I like a lot. Haha, that ride is still in the works.
WSM: You recently competed in the World Wakesurf Championship in Kelowna, BC. Is an event of that magnitude more nerve-racking than a typical competition?
Evan: This is only my second year competing so going to World’s is huge to me. So yes, both times I was at world’s I was a bit more nervous than most competitions for sure. It really helps to have all of your surf buddies there though. Everyone’s so stoked to be there so the vibe is great.
WSM: In that event, you podiumed and took home 2nd place in the Outlaw Men’s Surf division! What was going through your mind when you heard your name called? Did someone tip you off first?
Evan: So after my run, I tried not to think about it and get in my mind how exciting it is to be there no matter what place I came in. I can be my own worst critic so I try not to let my run get to me. (I definitely can). I was sitting beachside with my buds Adam May, Andy Latham, Cody Inman and others just enjoying the competition. Then, when Sean Cummings announced the results and I heard I took 2nd at Worlds, I jumped up, yelled loudly, and then all most jumped into the water….haha. I remembered I had all my clothes on and the water was cold.
WSM: Tell us about your sponsors. What’s your current equipment setup?
Evan: I have 4 great equipment sponsors. Soulcraft is the wakesurf board I love and ride. My front traction is Viskus – love their product! I also wear KZ sunglasses. They have sweet looking glasses and they Float. I was tired of losing glasses in the lake. Lead Wake helps me keep my wave as clean and crisp as possible!
WSM: Soulcraft is easily recognized as one of the leading manufacturers of high-end wakesurf boards, how did your relationship with them begin?
Evan: So in 2013 I realized I needed to get a good board to continue advancing. I started keeping up with The CWSA and watched what a lot of the riders were riding. So naturally I saw a lot of Soulcraft boards in all the classes and knew there had to be something to it. I was able to connect by phone with the Owner, Jeff. I really liked our conversation and he also had the exact same boat as me, color, model and year. I thought it was ironic a little but also super cool. Later I ordered my first board from him with custom colors without even demoing. It was a 4.8 Dahonu. Since then, I’ve never looked back. I now have several Soulcraft boards.
WSM: How about Southtown Watersports in Charlotte?
Evan: Southtown has had a big foothold on all the lakes around here and I see why. The owner, Danny, approached me with a sponsorship offer and I definitely took it and am extremely glad I did! I would not be where I am in wakesurfing without those guys! Since then I’ve sold my boat and fell in love with Supra and Moomba boats!
WSM: If you could take one celebrity wakesurfing with you who would it be and why?
Evan: hmm…hard one but probably Norman Reedus, he’s a cool guy and enjoys life so he would be down to try it and enjoy the boat ride.
WSM: If you had your choice of music when riding, what would it be?
Evan: Rebelution, 311, Stick Fgure, Dirtyheads, Treehouse, Pepper, Iration, Sublime with Rome etc… Also love some EDM like Drum and Bass, Bassnector, Marshmellow etc…
WSM: Where would you like to see wakesurfing go in the future?
Evan: More venues and trying to get more people out. Wakesurfing can be a bit hard to see from shore, so better venues that have a good line of sight for the viewers will definitely help. Also, online streaming is smart. The sport is blowing up so the more people we can get riding the more they want to watch. It’s almost ageless so it has a wider audience spectrum. Also, it needs bigger advisements so people know it’s there and more wakesurf education. Alot of people don’t even know what we are doing or didn’t think many tricks are possible. I’ve talked to people that thought all you could do is go up and down the wave… and possibly do a 360. All this will come in time though.
WSM: What advice would you give a newcomer to the sport that’s looking to progress and learn new tricks?
Evan: Learn the basics like board control and pumping. Also, getting the right board for your weight is benficial.
WSM: What tricks are you working on? Anything you feel like lettings us know about?
Evan: Haha, I’m always working on new ones. Surf style shuvs are tough and can hurt (the board too).
WSM: Do you have any sponsors, friends, or family you’d like to thank?
Evan: Definitely want to thank my family who get to hear me talk about wakesurf too much, haha. Also, to my friends who help me practice and train a lot. Big thank you to all my Sponsors who help make this dream become real!!!
WSM: Would you like to plug any social media?
Evan: Check me out on almost all social media, just type in Evan Feierabend, I’m the only one LoL (@evanfsurf)
We want to thank Evan for giving WSM his time and we look forward to seeing more of him as he continues to progress in his career and push wakesurfing into the future!