But do you know what to look for in a wakesurfing rope?
Whether you’re new to the sport, or already a great wakesurfer, in this blog I’ll go over the basics or what you need to look for in a rope and include our top 5 picks of ropes to buy.
So let’s get started with the basics of what you should look out for…
6 things to consider when buying a wakesurfing rope:
The length of the rope
How long your wakesurfing rope is, affects a number of things including the speed of you as the rider, how fast the boat can go, and the size of the wake.
Ropes can vary in length with the average rope being 25ft. Shorter ropes are easier for beginners and longer ropes put more distance between the rider and the boat, giving you more room for tricks.
If you’re looking for a rope that will suit different levels of riders then go for one 25ft in length. It’s long enough for experienced riders to be able to have fun, and not too much for beginners to handle.
Choice of Handle Style
Another important thing to consider when buying a wakesurfing rope is the handle it comes with. You’ve got three main choices when it comes to handle options:
A T-Handle is normally made of aluminum. It will have a grip covered tube that you hold on to and it connect to the rope in the center, like the shape of a ‘T’ – hence the name.
Because it’s attached to the center it’s easy to maneuver left and right – and while experienced riders will like this flexibility, it can be difficult for beginners to get up using T-handles so that is something to bear in mind.
Triangle Handle
A triangle handle is a more beginner-friendly option when it comes to rope handles. Because it connects to the rope using the edges of the triangle it offers more stability for surfers making it easier for beginners learning to get up and ride the wake.
If you’re looking for a basic rope with no frills then a no-handle rope is the simplest option available. Instead of using an aluminum handle with an outside grip, you can buy a rope that uses knots as a holding mechanism.
The lack of handle means your limbs can’t get tangled in the rope if you had an accident but the knotted ropes do require more strength to get up with than handle ropes so that’s worth thinking about when purchasing a rope.
In addition to choosing the handle that is right for you, the grip is another important factor to consider. A good quality rope will give you a few different grip options so that you have flexibility in where you choose to hold the rope.
The size of the grip section is also something to think about depending on the age of the surfers. Grips can range from 8 inches wide up to 12inches.
If you know your rope will be used by a few different surfers then go for a rope with a decent amount of grip that also has different points to use – this way you’ll get the most variety out of your rope.
The minimum you should consider when buying a wakesurfing rope is the different length and handle options. But if you’re really looking to find a rope that is top of the range, going for a rope that offers floatation is one of the best things you can do.
If you choose to purchase a rope that can either float completely or at least has a floating handle, then you cut down on time spent in between rides as the flotation feature means the rider can easily locate the rope and it’s less likely to be tangled as it’s been floating along.
Rope Material
When it comes to what material the rope is made out of, the majority of wakesurfing ropes are made out of one of two materials:
Polyethene (Poly.E) based ropes are:
- Better for colder temperatures
- Considered to be more sturdy
Ropes made out of Polypropylene (Poly.P) are:
- Considered more durable
- Non- stretching
- Lighter
There isn’t a huge amount of difference between the two when it comes to performance on the water but the differences highlighted above are worth considering.
Finally, the last thing to consider when purchasing a wakesurfing rope is whether you want a rope with a bungee feature.
A lot of the more expensive ropes use the bungee ability to reduce the weight on the rider’s body as they pop up. Again, it’s not essential for the rope you get to have the added stretch but it can benefit the rider so it’s a case of you weighing up the cost versus benefits and making the choice that is right for you.
Our top recommendations:
Below, we’ve put together a list of our top 5 ropes to buy. We’ve tried to include something for everyone in terms of handle style and have featured ropes from as low as $49.99 up to just over $100.
Check out the different options below:
Ronix Wakesurf Rope No Handle 25 ft
- 25ft. total length
- Adjustable attachment points
- No handle
Hyperlite Pro Surf Rope w/Handle
- 25ft. Total Length
- 10″ Handle with Team Grip
- Oversized Foam End Caps for Boat/Board Protection
- Floating rope and handle
Ronix Bungee Surf Rope
- 2ft. Bungee section
- 1.15” Handle Diameter
- 7” Foam for flotation
- 25ft. total length